WIN a The Dessy Group twist wrap dress , worth £155 https://www.pookie.co.uk/clothing/occasionwear.html ONE DRESS WORN MANY WAYS ! ENDLESS STYLE From classic to sexy, create your style, just change the wrap to change your look. PERFECT FOR TRAVEL Packable fabrics ideal for destination weddings or even your honeymoon. See videos and information of how toContinue reading “APRIL COMPETITION – FREE GIVEAWAY”


MARCH COMPETITION ‪ You now have the chance to WIN our best-selling suede clutch bag , in your choice of colour*! To Enter: 1) Make sure you’ve liked our Pookie Womenswear Facebook page 2) ‘Like’ this post 3) ‘Share’ this post on your timeline Good luck! Can’t wait? ….Buy me now: https://www.pookie.co.uk/accesories/bags.html *Terms and Conditions Competition runs fromContinue reading “MARCH COMPETITION ‪- FREE GIVEAWAY”

Your chance to WIN a best seller!

  In our February Competition, we’re giving you the chance to WIN the most lust-worthy fashion accessory that the celebs can’t do without. The pom pom hat has dominated magazines and blogs this Winter and it doesn’t look set to change through Spring. With celebs like Louise Thompson favouring this fashion must-have, we’re giving youContinue reading “Your chance to WIN a best seller!”

New Year, New You?

  If you’re anything like us, January 1st was lost in a post-New Year’s Eve fizz-daze with left over canapés and with all the good intentions to start January properly, tomorrow.  Well, tomorrow is here and it’s not too late to forge long-lasting, good habits. Here’s our round up of our 2016 goals and resolutions toContinue reading “New Year, New You?”

Feeling the Pinch? Your Chance to Win!

January’s hit hard. It always does and we always forget just how much we feel the post-Christmas pinch! In name of tradition, we are continuing with our monthly competitions and this one may just help put January right back in its place. Fancy winning a £50 voucher to spend in-store or online? Well, head overContinue reading “Feeling the Pinch? Your Chance to Win!”